Web Hosting

Content about web hosting.

The Best WordPress Speed Testing Tools

The Best WordPress Speed Testing Tools (Free and Paid) of 2022

The speed of your website is extremely important. If it loads slowly, visitors will leave before reading much – or any – of your content. ...
What Are Cipher Suites And Its Impact On Security

What Are Cipher Suites And Its Impact On Security

Configuration of cipher suites is often overlooked by many working in the web hosting and development industry. At Convesio we recently helped a client remove ...
Udemy vs. WordPress LMS: Which Platform Should You Use to Sell Online Courses?

Udemy vs. WordPress LMS: Which Platform Should You Use to Sell Online Courses?

Are you creating a course to sell online, but can’t decide which platform to use?
What Client Success Looks Like at Convesio

What Client Success Looks Like at Convesio

A look behind the Convesio curtain.
Daryl Griffins Convesio Customer Journey

My Convesio Customer Journey, By Daryl Griffin

3 Year Convesio Customer, 3 weeks on the job as COO
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How To Backup WordPress & Why Multi-tier Backups Are Better For Your Business

WordPress backups serve multiple purposes and are essential for your online business. Whether you are running a small blog or a large WooCommerce site, multi-tier ...
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How To Load Test a WordPress Website

Stress Testing your WordPress website using tools can provide you important insights into how your website will perform during traffic spikes and how capable is ...
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DNS Management for Agencies

The DNS black book is written in a language no mere mortal can decipher, yet as a provider of creative and digital marketing services, you ...
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Interview with Jeff Chandler of WP Mainline

Jeff Chandler is back with a new website and podcast - the WP Mainline
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WordPress Plugins Can Slow Down Website Load Time

Did you know that plugins and scripts can slow your sites down by over 300%? We recently discovered this when we analyzed a slow loading ...
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7 Ways To Make WooCommerce Faster Before Black Friday

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Christmas shopping season are merging into a two-month long cyber sprint this year thanks to COVID-19.
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All of WordPress’ Problems Can Be Solved with Non-Terrible Hosting

Two of the biggest WordPress problems are speed and security – and I bet you’ve experienced both of these issues. WordPress is notoriously slow, often ...
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Docker Hosting for WordPress: What It Is, How It Works, And Why It Makes Sense

Docker is helping speed up innovation in a slow-moving industry
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Page Speed: What We Learned By Analyzing 1,500 Agency Websites

Agencies have some of the best-looking websites, often looking much more polished than the designs they produce for their clients. But how well do they ...
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4 WordPress Plugins to Streamline Your Publication Process

When you're publishing content, whether a blog or a fully fledged publication every second you can shave off the publication process helps.
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Scaling WordPress for Startups

With website builders like Wix and Squarespace becoming more sophisticated and adding features, founders have more options for building their websites.
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Traditional hosting is hurting WordPress

I’ve been building websites for 20 years and without a doubt, hosting client sites can be one of the most frustrating things about running an ...
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How Convesio Has Solved M&M Multimedia’s 100-site WordPress Hosting Problem

Over the past decade, M&M Multimedia has grown from a small video production outfit servicing local businesses into a full-service digital marketing company working with ...
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WordPress Hosting That Improves Agency’s Profit Margins

Imagine this: It’s late on Sunday night, and you’re relaxing on the couch with a loved one. Your phone rings and it’s that big client ...
Convesio Website Load Test Process