Get Managed WordPress Hosting for Agencies – and Offers What You Actually Need

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Imagine this scenario: You find out — as it’s happening — that one of your clients is on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Their site is hammered with traffic and it goes down, crashing the server and bringing down other client sites with it.

What do you do? Panic? Fire off an angry email to your hosting company and wait hours for a reply? Try calling and get angrier while waiting on hold?

The truth is, you’re screwed. Your client is upset because they’ve lost tens of thousands of potential customers (and dollars), and in the process you’ve lost their trust, business, and money because you’re going to have to fix this mess.

Talk about a nightmare — a nightmare I don’t miss one bit. When I ran my own agency a few years back, I came up against the same problems time and time again. It was frustrating and damaged our relationships with clients.

On paper, up-selling hosting to clients makes perfect sense. When you’ve designed and developed a site for a client, they’re going to need hosting. And once you get them to sign up for hosting, that’s recurring monthly revenue with minimal overhead. A perfect way to expand your agency’s services, right?

Yet, the reality isn’t that simple. No matter how great your agency is, if your hosting is bad, it reflects poorly on everything else you’re doing.

Say, for example, you’ve got a client that’s worth $60,000 a year to your agency and you’ve got them on traditional hosting with old technology. If Ellen brings their site down, they’re not going to be upset with your hosting company — they’re going to be upset with you.

This is why it’s critical that agencies have world-class hosting for their client sites that is redundant, manages backups, and can scale, all for a reasonable price. Plus, you want to know that your host actually understands your agency’s needs.

I get it — and that’s why I built Convesio. Convesio is next-generation managed WordPress hosting for agencies designed to support your specific needs. Having run my own agency, I understand what agencies need. I understand how important profit margins are and how all those little technical tasks that accumulate over time, chip away at you and cost money.

Convesio, as a technical partner for your agency, will work with you to take care of the day-to-day management of your client sites so you can offload all those hosting tasks and back to focusing on your business.

More Than Just Hosting: Convesio is Your Agency’s Technical Partner

If you’ve been running your agency for several years and you’re managing a growing number of client sites, you’ve probably tried a handful of hosting companies, tons of caching plugins, and countless tools in an effort to streamline your processes. Typically, the result of these experiments is a mess of sites spread across different hosting platforms and technology, with varying levels of performance and stability.

Then there’s the time you waste managing technical tasks. Sure, when you were starting out all those technical tasks were quick and easy to take care of. But over time as you’ve taken on more times, those tasks have become a PITA.

When you partner with Convesio, we’ll take care of all those “easy” technical tasks that pester you and your team, and cost you time and money.

If one of your customers needs an SSL certificate applied to their site, we’ll take care of it. We’ll set up backups and carry out site migrations. If you have a customer who is anxious about launching their new site, we’ll step to help. We’ll run through a checklist of everything that needs to be completed — checking broken links, optimizing performance, backups, etc. — and make sure the launch goes smoothly.

We even display Google PageSpeed Insights results on the Convesio dashboard and will work with you to improve your clients’ site’s speed and performance.

These are all tasks relatively small in nature, but ones that quickly stack up and drain your agency’s resources. Our “more than just hosting” approach to managed WordPress hosting value-adds for agencies that are trying to scale but are spending — even wasting — too much time on technical tasks.

Our goal is to help you and your team can get back to developing client sites rather than managing them — get your agency’s profit margins back on track.

Say “Goodbye” to Caching Plugins — Convesio Eliminates the Need for Tools

With Convesio, you can deactivate and remove your caching plugins for good. We’ve built caching into our hosting architecture at the platform level, ensuring your client sites load fast and at the same time removing the unnecessary complexity that agencies face when optimizing client sites.

Our custom caching is served on the edge of our infrastructure, outside your container, via a custom-built caching layer in the load balancer. Best of all, no resources are required from your WordPress install. This means you no longer have to waste time configuring caching plugins — or pay monthly fees for premium solutions.

From the Convesio dashboard, you can easily manage static and dynamic time to live settings and use regular expressions to control page-level caching for your client sites.

We don’t just take care of caching, we take care of malware scanning, too. Our malware scanning system uses similar technology to WordFence: we use YARA, a malware matching signature system that scans all of your sites’ files and tells you if they match any of the 30,000 malware or virus signatures recorded. YARA also scans any changed files in real-time. For added peace of mind, we will provide you with regular security reports.

And then there are backups — we take cares of those, too. For a lot of agency owners, there’s that nagging worry in the back of your mind that your backups might not be working. Convesio provides automated backups, which you can run on-demand, or at intervals ranging from 3 hours to 15 days.

Our dashboard also gives you a clear overview of your client sites’ performance and key stats, meaning you don’t need to use Jetpack, InfiniteWP, or ManageWP.

It goes without saying that we manage all core, plugin, and theme files, and you can select which ones you want updated automatically. This alone is a big hassle for agencies — believe me, I know!

Our goal is to help simplify WordPress site management, reduce your agency’s costs, and eliminate the tools typically needed to manage WordPress sites because you shouldn’t be managing your managed WordPress hosting — that’s our job.

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Convesio Hosting Dashboard
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