Step-by-Step Guide
1. Navigating to the Domain Section
- Go to your site in the Convesio control panel.
- Navigate to the Domain section, which has been completely redesigned.
2. Understanding IP Addresses
- You’ll see two sets of IP addresses:
- Load Balancer IP Addresses at the top.
- CloudFlare Production IP Address below.
- The CloudFlare IP address can change per site, so verify it’s correct for the site you are taking live.
3. Adding a Domain
- Click on the Add Domain button.
- Enter your domain name (e.g.,
- You have the option to add a secondary version (with or without “www”). If you enter the domain without “www,” it will suggest adding the “www” version, and vice versa. Check the box to add both versions simultaneously.
4. Setting the Primary Domain
- You can make this the primary domain for your WordPress site by clicking the Enable button.
- This will configure your WordPress site to load under this new domain.
5. Confirming Domain Addition
- After clicking Add, a notification will appear in the top right corner, confirming the domain was added successfully.
- The domain will be flagged as the primary domain, with the host name and SSL status in a pending state.
6. Updating DNS Records
- Update your DNS records to point to the new CloudFlare IP address. This step is crucial and should be done close to the time of adding the domain to avoid downtime.
- CloudFlare will detect the DNS changes and automatically validate the hostname and issue the SSL certificate. This process typically takes 30 seconds to 15 minutes but can sometimes take longer if using a slower DNS provider.
7. Monitoring DNS Propagation
- Use a site like DNS Checker to monitor the propagation of your DNS changes globally.
- CloudFlare will activate once the majority of DNS records are updated.
8. Ensuring DNS Only Mode
- Ensure your DNS records are in DNS Only mode in CloudFlare. This is indicated by a gray cloud next to the record in CloudFlare’s DNS settings.
9. Refreshing Status
- Click the Refresh button in the control panel to ping CloudFlare and update the status of your hostname and SSL.
- If the DNS updates are visible but not reflected in the control panel, use the refresh button to get an updated status from CloudFlare.
10. Troubleshooting
- If you encounter any issues or delays, feel free to reach out to our support team.
- The process is generally quick and seamless, especially with fast DNS providers like GoDaddy.
We hope this new feature makes managing your domains easier and more efficient. If you have any feedback or need further assistance, please contact our support team. Thanks for using Convesio!