What We Shipped: Email Address Validator, Popup Builder, Social Element Improvements and More


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This blog post is from the archived Growmatik.ai blog. In 2024, Convesio acquired Growmatik and re-launched it as ConvesioConvert. Learn more about ConvesioConvert.

It’s time once again for Growmatik to be updated with new features and improvements. Our latest round of updates includes an email validator for deliverability, a popup builder, social element improvements, new support and knowledge base and more. Let’s take a look at what we’ve achieved  since September 2022.

Popup Builder Improvements

The new features added to Growmatik’s popup builder enable you to build even richer popups with new options and capabilities. These improvements allow you to customize more parts of your popups. The new additions are as follows:

  • A new blog element for the popup builder
  • Animation options and close button for popups
  • “Call a phone number” and “Close the popup” options for the popup button element
  • Ability to add social icons to popups

Now let’s quickly review these additions to better understand what they do and where they are.

New Blog Element for Popups

With this new element you can now promote your blog posts to a wider audience, generating more visitors and traffic to your blog. You can choose a template or start creating a popup from scratch just by clicking on the + icon where you want to put the blog post and then clicking on Blogs.


You can set the blog post to be shown as Recent, Related, Popular or by Post ID or category and customize its styling as you wish.


Animation Options and Close Button for Popups

This new update gives you more control over how your popup will show up on your page and what your popup’s close button will look like. By clicking on the Opening animation option you can choose different animation styles—from Fade in and Scale up to Slide in and Slide up—to make your popup look more fun and engaging.

We made sure that you have complete control over even the smallest parts of your popups. That’s why we debuted the Close Button option so you can customize its color and size. You can find both the animation and close button options in the General Settings column on the left side of the popup builder.

“Call a Phone Number” and “Close the Popup” Options

Previously, you could only add a URL to the call to action button on your popup and, when clicked, your intended page would open. Now two more actions have been added so you can set what happens when a visitor clicks on the CTA button: “Call a phone number” and “Close the popup”. You can now decide whether the button on your popup should direct the visitor to a phone number or if it should close the popup when clicked.

To access the newly added button actions, add a button element to your popup and you will find the actions by clicking on the “When clicked” option on the left settings column.


New Social Element for Popups

One essential element that was previously missing from the popup builder is the ability to add social media channels to popups. Displaying your social media channels on popups will help enhance the visibility of your social media pages.

To add the social element to your popup, click on the + on the popup and choose Social. You have the option to add up to 14 social media, email and website icons at the moment. You can also customize the icons’ styling.


Email Address Validator

The deliverability of your emails is adversely affected by high bounce rates. This means that email service providers may start to limit your email deliverability and route your emails to spam folders if you send too many emails to invalid addresses. Growmatik’s automated email address validator will identify and remove invalid addresses from mailing lists before sending emails without requiring any manual action on your part.

Growmatik has also added a new Email validation status filter that lets you remove contacts whose emails have been flagged as invalid. These users may be archived or deactivated, allowing you to tidy up your audience. Furthermore, you can create a segment of these invalidated contacts and take any necessary actions on a regular basis.


Social Element Improvements for Emails

The social element has also been updated in the email builder with more platform icons, from Facebook to Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube and more. You can also customize its visual details including all color, size, spacing, alignment and corner radius.

New Features to Manage Subscriptions

The unsubscribe user experience is now evolved and equipped with a couple of new options. Your audience can now choose to unsubscribe from promotional or transactional emails separately. Accordingly, you may now manage the subscription preferences by clicking on your profile picture, Site Settings and then Email Settings section via the Growmatik dashboard.

From the Manage Subscription Preferences section, you can choose One-click unsubscribe from all emails or Customize email preference, where users have the option to select which emails they want to receive. It is also possible to define the text you wish to display on the subscription management page. Clicking the Unsubscribe link, for example, will bring you to the following page:

You can now create rules based on people opting out of marketing and transactional emails separately. For instance, you can run a desired action like Remove Tag for those who unsubscribe from marketing emails.

Additionally, you can run Unsubscribe User From Email as an action for different types of emails including all emails, marketing emails or transactional emails associated with a specific event or audience segment.

Finally, on the People page, you can find the updated version of the Email Subscription Status filter, which allows you to filter out emails based on subscriber consent for marketing or transactional emails. With this filter, you can create different audience segments for your email campaigns based on your subscribers’ consent.

Meet Growmatik’s New Support and Knowledge Base

Growmatik’s new support and knowledge base articles are now integrated right inside the app and bring a much more helpful experience for users who need information or support on a Growmatik feature.

In order to access the new support space, you just need to click on your profile icon in the Growmatik app dashboard, then select Contact Support.


You are now in our newly designed support channel where you can open a ticket, choose between different features you encountered a problem with and get instant access to our expert staff to help answer your queries. 

Here you also have access to all of Growmatik’s support articles. You can search the articles using the proper keyword and browse all articles if you can’t find the article you want. Clicking on “View all articles” will direct you to our freshly designed knowledge base.

The new knowledge base is now richer and more up-to-date, featuring the latest support documents and a less cluttered design. Articles are grouped under different categories in the left side column for easier access.


As a side note, with the launch of the new support platform, the old chat support on the website or app is no longer supported.

What’s Next?

The most exciting part of our “what we shipped” roundups! Many new features are in the release queue and many are in final stages of development right now, including:

  • Embedded forms; 
  • HTML editor for the email builder; 
  • Premade recipes for workflow automations;
  • Zapier integration;
  • Facebook audience integration;
  • Custom events and much more!

We are doing our best to deliver as many exciting features as possible by the end of the year. Keep an eye on Growmatik’s blog and stay tuned for more exciting news soon.

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Convesio Hosting Dashboard
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