New Features in January 2023: Platform Caching Updates, New FTP Options, and More!


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Happy New Year! This month, we have some exciting new features to share with you.

Platform Caching Updates

The Platform Caching plugin has a variety of new features. You can access it by navigating to Platform Caching at the bottom of your WordPress sidebar.

To start, the Platform Caching plugin now supports WordPress Multisite. We’ve also added two view options to the settings panel: Simple and Detailed Control. 




  • If you choose Simple, the cache will be cleared any time you update a page, save a post, activate a new plugin, etc. For most people, the Simple settings will be sufficient.
  • If you choose Detailed, you can select and choose specifically which events should clear the cache. These are all enabled if you select Simple. This allows you to fine-tune exactly when the cache should be cleared.

How can you utilize these new settings? If you have a high-frequency store and are doing a flash sale, your cache will be purged every time a sale is made – if you keep the settings on Simple. As you can imagine, this might mean thousands of cache purges occurring in a short period of time. This defeats the purpose of caching, which is designed to pre-load site elements ahead of time.

So, if you’re planning a sales event that will result in a high number of sales occurring in a short period of time, consider opting for Detailed Control and disabling the cache for “On WooCommerce Update Product.”

Finally, we’ve added an API endpoint for programmatically clearing the cache. Developers that use tools like Buddy can now trigger the cache purge before finalizing their site.

New FTP Features

The development team has also recently added some new ways to access your site via FTP/SFTP:

  • Generate or reset your password via SFTP
  • Whitelist specific IP addresses and filter out all other traffic

Stay tuned to see what new features we launch next month!

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Convesio Hosting Dashboard
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