Contacts & People


The People feature in ConvesioConvert allows you to organize your contacts. You can create segments with either pre-made templates or via ConvesioConvert’s advanced conditional filtering system and use them as conditions for automation rules. ConvesioConvert also allows archiving users and restoring them whenever needed. Customizing contact tables, importing users, archiving and unarchiving contacts, creating custom attributes, assigning tags to contacts and more is possible with the People feature of ConvesioConvert. We’ll go into detail about each of these processes in this article.


In order to access the People feature, log in to your ConvesioConvert account and from the left sidebar click on people icon. The initial view displays the Segments page and all the existing segments of your contacts. If you don’t have any segments then there won’t be any data in the Segments section.

Create a new segment

You can create segments and use them as the audience for a certain automation rule, including on-site and off-site automations such as showing pop-ups, sending emails and more. 

To create a new segment, follow these steps:

  1. Go to ConvesioConvert > People and click on Segments from the left sidebar.
  2. Now select the + New Segment button at the top right corner.
  3. You’ll see two options to start creating segments: Start From Scratch and Start From a Template.

Now we are going to see how each starting point works.

Create a segment from scratch

From ConvesioConvert > People > Segments > + New Segment:

  1. Click on the Start From Scratch button.
  2. You’ll be redirected to the All Contacts page of the People feature where you can filter contacts. You will see the filtering system at the top of the page, which allows you to save filtered contact(s) as a new segment.
  1. Click on the search box and a list of filters will appear.
  2. Select a filter to see different options for applying that filter. For example, if you select the country filter, you’ll see some operator functions for person’s country including: is, is not, is either of these, is neither of these, is anywhere and is unknown.
  1. You can combine filters and prepare more complex segments by clicking on the + Add Filter and/or + Add Filter Group buttons, which prepare inner group and outer group filters, respectively.

  1. After applying a minimum of one filter the Save Segment button will appear. To proceed, click it.
  1. Give a name to the segment and click on the Save New Segment button.

Your new segment will be created and saved in the Segment section of the People feature. Note that the number of people in each segment is displayed below that segment record.

Create a segment using pre-made templates

From your ConvesioConvert dashboard navigate to People > Segments > + New Segment, then follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Start From a Template button.
  2. You’ll be redirected to the segment template page of the People feature, where you can see all the available templates on the left side of the page and their respective filters on the right side of the page.

Note: You cannot edit the filters of the templates unless you click on the Use this Template button.

3. Select a template and click Use this Template.

4. You’ll be redirected to the All Contact page where the filters of the template you’ve selected are applied. You can customize the filters as you like in this step.

5. Click on the Save Segment button.

6. Give a name to the segment and click on the Save New Segment button.

Your new segment will be created and saved in the Segment section of the People page.
Note the number of people in each segment is displayed below that segment record.

List of available filters

Here is the list of available filters in ConvesioConvert:

  • Personal Details:
    First Name
    Last Name
    Full Name
    Phone Number
    EU Consent
    Marketing Email Consent
    Signup Date
    Subscription Method
    Custom Attribute
    Integrated Form
    Popup Form
  • Site Activity:
    Landing Page
    Visited Pages
    UTM Campaign
    UTM Source
    UTM Content
    UTM Term
    UTM Medium
    Top Weekday Activity
    Referral Source
    Average Time Spent per Session
    Exit Page
    Number of Viewed Pages 
    Time Spent on Site
    Visit Date
    Total Visits
    Used Browser
  • Shopping Activity:
    Payment Method
    Number of Purchased Items
    Number of Orders
    Purchase Date
    Top Purchased Item 
    Total Spent
    Has Abandoned Cart
    Number of Orders With Coupons
    Purchased Product
    Viewed Product
    Placed Order
    Discount Coupon Used
    Average Spent per Order
    RFM Score
  • General:
    Journey Stage
  • Email Activity:
    Email Open Activity
    Email Click Activity
    Email Send Activity
    Email Clicked on
    Email Opened on
    Email Subscription Status
    Number of Clicked Emails 
    Number of Opened Emails
    Number of Email Sent Emails
    Number of Emails With No Clicks
    Number of Unopened Emails

Use a segment in an automation

You can use any of your segments in automation rules from the segment page of the People feature. To do so, follow these steps:

1. From your ConvesioConvert dashboard go to People > Segments and find the segment you want to use in an automation rule and click on the three dots icon of the related record and Select Use in Automation.

3. You’ll be redirected to the rule creation page of the automation feature where the selected segment is the audience of the rule.

Read the automation article to learn more about how to create automations.

Edit, duplicate and remove a segment

Edit a segment

You can edit the filters of any segment to update it. To do so, follow these steps:

1. From your ConvesioConvert dashboard go to People > Segments, find the segment you want to edit and click on the three dots icon of the related record.

2. Click on the Edit button.

3. Add, remove or edit the filters.

4. Click on the Update Segment button.

If a segment is used in an automation rule, editing that segment can affect the number of users in that automation.

Duplicate a segment

You can duplicate your segment by following these steps:

1. From your ConvesioConvert dashboard go to People > Segments, find the segment you want to duplicate and click on the three dots icon next to the related record.

2. Select Duplicate.

3. A copy of the selected segment will be created with the “-copy” suffix at the end of its name.

Remove a segment

You can remove any of your segments. To remove a segment, follow these steps:

1. From your ConvesioConvert dashboard go to People > Segments, find the segment you want to remove and click on the three dots icon next to the related record.

2. Click on the Remove button.

3. A modal will pop up to confirm your removal request. Click on the Remove button to confirm it.

Note: Your segment will be archived.

Note: In-Use segments cannot be removed until the associated automation is archived.

Customize contacts table

You can customize columns in the contacts table and define a maximum of 6 columns with different filters and custom attributes.

In order to do that, go to your ConvesioConvert dashboard and choose People > All Contacts and click on the Select columns button.

You can select/deselect up to 6 options to be shown in the contacts table.

Check user details and activity

You can view user details and activities and edit user details in ConvesioConvert by going to People > Contacts and clicking on the user’s email address or by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting the View option.

User info will slide in from right side of the page. Please note that you can edit the fields by clicking on the pen icon next to them, and selecting Save Changes once the changes have been made.

Import and export contacts

You can add new people to ConvesioConvert by importing CSV (comma-separated values) files.

Import new people from CSV file

1. Go to People > Contacts and click on the Add Contact button at the top right corner of the page.

2. Select your CSV file to upload.

3. The uploaded file will be listed in the modal.

Note: If you want to update or override the data for existing people (users) that match by email with the uploaded file(s), click on this checkbox.

4. Click on the Next button.

5. Map the attributes of your CSV file and ConvesioConvert columns and click Next. Please note that your CSV file must contain an email address for each person. ConvesioConvert also allows you to create custom attributes to add fields that are not available by default.

6. The uploaded file(s) are listed in the modal. Clicking on the Next button will import them to ConvesioConvert.

Note: By clicking on the pen icon you can modify the tag label that is applied to the imported users.

7. Click on the Done button.

If your CSV file is a large one, importing users can take up to a few hours. ConvesioConvert will send you an email with the result when the importing process has been successfully completed.

Export users

With ConvesioConvert you can export your contacts as a CSV file. To export contacts follow these instructions:

1. Go to People > Contacts or choose any saved segment from Segment section.

2. Once the list of contacts is loaded, click on the More Actions button and select Export.

3. Give a name to your file and Click Export Selection.

Note: If the Visible Columns button is active, you will export only the visible columns (up to 6 selected columns) in your CSV file.

Note: If you want to customize the column(s) when exporting, click on the Custom Selection button and click on the “X” next to the column names to remove them.

4. Click on Download to download the file on your computer.

5. Click Done to finish.

Tag users

You can classify your users by assigning them one or multiple tags. In order to assign a tag to the user(s) from your ConvesioConvert dashboard, do the following:

1. Go to People > Contacts, select the users you want to assign a tag to and click on the Tag button.

2. Click on the search input to see the available tags to select and assign to selected users.

3. Select the tag you want to use and click on the Tag People button.

Add or remove tags

To create a new tag go to People > Tags and click on the + New Tag on the top right side of the page.

You can remove a tag by clicking on the trash icon next to the tag’s name.

Click on the Remove button.

Add and remove custom attributes

With ConvesioConvert you can add custom attributes. This helps you create fields that are not available in ConvesioConvert by default.
To do that, go to your ConvesioConvert dashboard > People > Custom Attributes and click on the + New Custom Attribute button on the top right side of the page.

Give a name to your custom attribute and click on the Add button.

You can delete a custom attribute by clicking on the trash icon and then clicking on the Remove button.

Deactivate / Activate users

You can deactivate users to disable ConvesioConvert rules for them. To deactivate users, follow these steps:

1. Go to your ConvesioConvert dashboard > People > All Contacts and click on the three dots icon next to the users’ record.

2. Choose the Deactivate option.

Similarly, you can reactive a deactivated user by following these steps:

1. Click on the three dots icon next to the user’s record and choose Activate.

2. Click on the Activate button and the user will be reactivated.

You can also deactivate or activate users using an automation rule.

Archive / Unarchive users

You can archive users from your ConvesioConvert dashboard > People > All Contacts by clicking on the three dots icon on the right side of the contact’s record and click on the Archive option.

The user will then move to the Archived Users page. Please note that no ConvesioConvert rule will apply to archived users.

If you want to unarchive a user, go to the Archived Users page, select the user(s) you want to unarchive and click on the Unarchive button in the top right corner of the page.

Updated on October 23, 2024

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