By default, all your emails are sent from yourDomain@customer.ConvesioConvert. However, you can optionally use a custom email address to send your emails. This will be visible to your recipients from the Sender and reply-to email address fields. This process is usually referred to as white-labeling emails.
In this article, you’ll learn how to set up and use custom email addresses.
Setup instructions
1. To get started with white labeling emails, click on the user menu and go to Site Settings.
2. Go to Email Settings.
3. Scroll down to the Custom outbound email section and click on the Add new email address button.
4. Enter the name and email address and confirm by clicking the Add button.
5. You should now see the newly added email address in the custom outbound email table. Click on the Send verification email button.
6. We will send you a verification email to verify that you have access to this email address. You should click on Verify Email Address in the body of the email.
7. You will see the Verified email status on your domain record in Site Settings.
8. After the email verification process you will also need to authenticate your email domain so that ConvesioConvert can use it for sending emails. Click Authenticate domain.
9. Copy the CNAME records from ConvesioConvert.
10. Go to your domain or hosting service control panel, define a CNAME record and paste the CNAME records.
Note: This may appear differently on your domain control panel. If you’re not sure how to do it, you can contact your domain support service so that they can do it for you.
Note: Some hosting services such as Amazon Route 53 and GoDaddy add the domain name automatically to the end of CNAME records. If you are using one of these domain providers, you should paste the CNAME record without the domain at the end of it.
For example, if your domain is:, the CNAME record in ConvesioConvert will be displayed as:
If you’re using the services mentioned above, you should remove from the end of this record because the domain provider will add it automatically. Instead you will paste:
11. Once you have made these changes you should go back to ConvesioConvert and press the Verify button.
Note: It may take up to 72 hours for the changes in the previous step to take effect before you can successfully proceed with verifying the domain authentication in ConvesioConvert.
12. Your domain should now be authenticated and the Authenticated domain and Verified email badges should appear in the status section.
Once you have successfully completed all the steps above, you will the option to choose your new email address to be included in your future email campaigns. Your new email address will be available in Sender and Reply-to email fields.