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  4. Increasing your email sending limits in ConvesioConvert

Increasing your email sending limits in ConvesioConvert

ConvesioConvert employs a warm-up process to maintain a high rate of deliverability. 

This process lets users gradually increase their sending limits, ensuring minimal spam and bounce rates. Refer to the ‘Email Warm-Up Scheme‘ article for detailed insights into this warm-up process.

Upon your first attempt at sending emails, you can send 50 emails per hour. After successfully sending emails within this limit for 10 cycles (equivalent to 10 hours and 500 emails), you will move to the second level, now with a 100-email limit per hour. Subsequent increments occur similarly; after another 10 successful cycles at the second level, you will move to the third level, and so forth.

Please note that to move to the next level, you must meet the cycle limit, which means moving from level 1 to level 2 requires sending at least 500 emails with reasonable complaint and bounce rates.

LevelHourly limitCycle limit
ConvesioConvert Email Sending Levels
✍️ Note

During the trial period, the email sending limit cannot be increased, and it is fixed at 10 emails per hour.

Updated on July 11, 2024

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